Greetings In the name of the Supreme Basileus of the Universe.

Thank you from the brothers of the “Mighty” Pi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. In this our 77th year of SERVICE throughout the Tampa Bay Region, your continued support and contributions have allowed Omega Men a vast opportunity to assist the community in which we work, play, and live.
The Mighty Pi Iota Chapter has been a mainstay in the Tampa Bay Community for the past 77 years. With over 150 college-educated men, Pi Iota has been a beckon of light servicing the community in many respects. We have several mainstays in our community including meals during the holidays, providing gifts to children in hospitals, annual scholarship to college bound students, Talent Hunt, and Essay contest. We are poised to assist the next generation of leaders through our dedication of service in the community in which we live and work.
We thank you for visiting our website home and invite you back to view upcoming community programs and Scholarship fundraisers open to the community. With your continued support to our organization, Pi Iota Chapter looks to continue to serve our community for another 78 years.
Stay Safe, Blessed, and continue to Lift as We Climb.
In Friendship,​
Brother Anthony L. Perkins
4-89-Upsilon Gamma LM #3252
36th Basileus, Pi Iota Chapter

To Pi Iota Chapter
The Brothers of Pi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. would like to welcome you
to our website. We are a graduate chapter that is composed of a large contingent of men
that were born, raised, educated and or currently residing in the Tampa Bay area of Florida.