Operation Golden Ticket 4.0
1. Situation. Each year, the Pi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., in conjunction with its foundation, provide monetary scholarships to graduating high school seniors in the Tampa/Hillsborough County area. All monetary resources for the scholarships come from donations. Fundraisers are the primary source for raising the funds necessary to provide the annual awards.
2. Mission. From January 26, 2024, to February 29, 2024, the Pi Iota Chapter executes the fourth annual Life Membership Raffle (Operation Golden Ticket 4.0) to raise funds for the chapter’s daily operations and the scholarship fund. The plan is to have 60% of the proceeds go towards chapter operations and 40% to the scholarship fund.
3. Execution.
Intent. The purpose of this operation is to raise money for the chapter and the scholarship fund through a low-cost, high-yielding fundraiser.
Method: The chapter will execute a raffle for an Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Life Membership prize ($3000 value) or Cash Owt ($1000 value). Raffle tickets will be sold at a cost of $50/ticket. Each financial member of the chapter will be required to sell at least three tickets. There were 140 financial members in Pi Iota in FY23. With 140 as a baseline number, if each financial member sold three tickets, the gross income would be $21,000 (140 members x $150). Sales will be open to members of Omega Psi Phi as well as family/friends who may want to purchase a ticket for an Omega Man they know. All ticket sales will be contactless via digital currency platforms (Pi Iota Fundraising CashApp). Checks, made out to the Pi Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Inc, will be accepted as well.
Concept of Operations. This fundraiser will occur in two phases:
Phase I (Execution): Phase I begins with the opening of ticket sales and ends with the raffle drawing on 29 February 2024. Key tasks during this phase include marketing (social media will serve as the primary platform) and the sale of tickets by the brothers of the Pi Iota Chapter. Conditions to transition to Phase 2 include the close of ticket sales on at 5pm on 29 February 2024 and the drawing of the winning ticket a few hours later on 29 February 2024.
Phase II (Retrograde): Phase II begins following the raffle drawing. Key tasks during this phase include settling of all funds and transferring to the chapter’s bank account, distributing funds to the scholarship fund, completion of the Life Membership Application for the raffle winner or the cash prize winner, and completion of a detailed after-action report and committee report. This operation ends after all the key tasks of this phase have been completed.
Scholarship Committee: Maintain overall responsibility for the fundraising event and provide timely reports/updates regarding the event progress. Develop and disseminate the fundraiser event flyer to the chapter.
Chapter Keeper of Records and Seals (KRS): Provide the fundraiser information to all adjacent chapters in the local area and throughout the state.
Chapter Keeper of Finance (KF): Ensure all funds are deposited into the correct accounts. Provide a record of any expenses associated with the fundraiser.
Chapter Membership: At a minimum, sell one ticket. Ensure to market the fundraiser across all personal social media platforms.
Coordinating Instructions.
25 Jan 24: Presentation to the Chapter
26 Jan 24: Ticket sales open
29 Feb 24: Ticket sales close at 5pm
29 Feb 24: Raffle Drawing (streamed live on Pi Iota Social Media Platforms)
*Tentative dates
**The Scholarship Committee Chairman will schedule progress report meetings as needed and at the direction of the Executive Council, Vice Basileus, or Scholarship foundation.
4. Administration/Logistics.
Administration. A Special Events Checklist (SEC) is not required for this event. All reports are to be submitted to the Vice Basileus prior to the monthly Executive Council Meeting.
Logistics. Omitted.
5. Command/Signal.
Signal. The primary means of communication between the Chapter leadership, Scholarship Committee, and Foundation will be email, video conferences, and phone calls. The primary means of communication for marketing will be the official chapter social media platforms as well as the personal social media platforms of the Chapter’s members. A digital copy of the flyer will be provided to all brothers.
Command. Vice Basileus has overall cognizance of the committees to include the Scholarship Committee. Bro. Jeremy Smith, Event Chair, is the primary point of contact for Operation Golden Ticket.